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We have a vast collection of gear to work with here at Silver Bullet Studios. It's an exhausting list... but read through and geek out with us.



D’angelico Masterbuilt New Yorker NY-SD T w/bigsby

D'angelico Premier DC

Douglas Baritone Les Paul

Fender Baritone Telecaster (2)

Fender P Bass

Fender Telecaster Deluxe

Fender Telecaster

Gibson '75 Marauder

Gibson '77 S1

Gibson '78 Marauder

Gibson ’80 Custom Built S1

Gibson Les Paul Goldtop w/ P-90's

Gibson Les Paul Special Doublecut

Gibson SG '61 reissue

Gibson SG Standard 2006

Gibson SG Standard 2018

Ibanez AW-10 CE

Ibanez BTB 5 string

LTD EC-1000 w/Evertune

LTD H-338 

LTD  Viper-1000

PRS Baritone

Peavey T60

Reverend Descent Baritone

Reverend Double Agent

Schecter Blackjack Baritone

Schecter C-1

Schecter Gryphon

Sigma DT-4N Acoustic

Takamine EC132SC

Yamaha FGX730SC Acoustic





Blackarts Toneworks Pharoh

Boss BF-2

Boss DD-3

Boss DD-500

Boss DS-1

Boss DS-1 (Keeley Mod)

Boss HM-2

Boss HR-2

Boss MT-2

Boss NS-2

Boss OC-3

Boss PS-3 (3)

Boss RV-5

Boss TE-2

Boss TR-2

Boss TU-2

Deep Space Devices Golem

Deep Space Devices Trigonaut

Deep Space Devices Red Ghost

DOD 280 Compressor

DOD Death Metal Distortion

DOD Gunslinger Distortion

DOD Supra Distortion

Digitech Whammy V

Digitech JamMan

Earthquaker Devices Avalanche Run

Earthquaker Devices Dispatch Master

Earthquaker Devices Hummingbird

Earthquaker Devices Organizer

Earthquaker Devices Sea Machine

Electro-Harmonix Freeze

Electro-Harmonix Holy Stain

Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail Nano

Electro-Harmonix Mel9

Electro-Harmonix Micro Synth

Electro-Harmonix Pitchfork

Electronic Audio Experiments M Blaster Prototype

Electro Harmonix Micro Synth

Fulltone OCD

Fuzzrocious Heliotropic

Fuzzrocious Ram the Manparts

Ibanez CF-7

Ibanez JD9

Ibanez TS-9 (Analogman Modded)

Ibanez TS-9 DX

Line 6 DL4

Malekko 616 Dark

Morley Volume (2)

MXR 5150 Overdrive

MXR Bass DI+

MXR Carbon Copy

MXR Custom Badass Modified Overdrive


MXR M300

Pro Co Rat

Roland GR-33 

Smallsound Bigsound Mini

Strymon Timeline

TC Electronic Ditto X4

TC Electronic Flashback Mini

TC Electronic Polytune II

TC Electronic Sentry

T Rex Whirly Verb

Walrus Audio Deep Six

Way Huge Swollen Pickle

Verellen Big Spider

XCC Noise Machines Custom Delay/Reverb

Zvex Box of Rock





AKG 414 (2)

AKG D112 (2)

Audix D6

Audix f10

Audix f12 (3)

Audix f15

Beyerdynamic M201

Blue Baby Bottle

Blue Hummingbird (2)

Groove Tubes GT55

Heil PR20

MXL 4000

MXL 603S

Neumann TLM 103

Neumann KM 184 (2)

Neumann KMS 105

Oktava MK-012

Rode NT5 (3)

Royer 121

SE Electronics Voodoo VR1 (2)

Shure SM57 (3)

Shure Beta 57

Shure SM58 (2)

Shure Beta 91a

Sennheiser 906

Sennheiser 421 (5)

Warm Audio WA-47 jr FET

Yamaha SubKick





Alec Lansing Towers (2)

KRK V8 (4)

M Audio Studiophiles (2)

Yamaha HS8 (2)





Otari 2 track MX5050

Fostex A8

Clarion XD5Studio 4-Channel (2)



Acoustic 150

Acoustic 220

Ampeg V-4B

Carvin X-100B (1986)

Custom AC30 Replica

DV Mark Multiamp Stereo

Egnater Tweaker 88

Fender Twin Reverb 65 Reissue

Fender Twin Reverb 70's Silverface

Kemper Profiling Amp

Peavey 5150

Peavey 5150 II(3 variant modified models)

Peavey 400 series Bass head

Peavey VTM 120

Peavey Century

Peavey Triumph 60

Marshall JCM 800 2205

Marshall JMP 50 watt (1978)

Marshall VS 100

Supro S6420 Thunderbolt

Sunn Beta Lead





Ampeg 1978 V4 412

Crate Oversized 2x15

Fender Bassman 2x15

Janice Cabs 212

Laney 412

Legion 2x15 Towers (2) 

Mesa 412 (1980's)

Mesa 212 Recto Compact 

Marshall 412 (1970's)

Marshall 412 (Celestion Greenbacks and Vintage 30's)

Orange 412

Peavey 412f (70's) w/ Celestion Lynchback's

Sunn 412

Sunn 610

VHT 412 (2)





Pro Tools 10 HD Accel 2 (2)

Pro Tools 8 HD Accel 2

Pro Tools 12 Macbook Pro

Sony PCM-R300 DAT Recorder





Ableton Live 9 Suite

East West Symphonic Orchestra

IK Multimedia Modo Bass

Native Instruments Komplete 11

Propellerhead Abbey Road Keyboards

Propellerhead Reason

Signal by Output

Slate SSD4

Spectrasonics Omnisphere Virtual Synth

Spectrasonics Trilian Bass Module

TDM Indigo

Toontrack EZ Drummer

Toontrack EZ Keys

Toontrack Superior Drummer 2 + 3





C&C Custom Maple Kit w/

6.5x14 Chrome over brass snare

9x14 Rack tom

14x18 Floor tom

16x24 Kick

6.5x14 Pearl Free Floating Maple

5.5x14 Pearl Master Series Maple

6.5x14 Yamaha Brass




K Crash Ride 21 inch

K Hi Hats 14 inch

K Light Hi Hats 15 inch

Meinl Dark Hi Hats 14 inch

Zildjian A Custom 10 inch splash

Zildjian A Custom Crash 18 inch

Zildjian A Custom Crash 20 inch

Zildjian A Sweet Ride 23 inch




Digidesign 192 w/ analog expansion (5)

Digidesign 96i

Focusrite Clarett 8preX





Avalon VT-737-SP (2)

Avalon U-5

Creation Audio Labs MW1 (2)

Daking Pre IV

Great River MP-500-NV (3)

Mackie 32-8 analog board w/24 channel expansion

Millenia HV3D 8

Neve 511 (2)

Trident S-20

Universal Audio 6176

Vintech 573 (2)

Art Pro MPA II (w/Tungsol Tubes)




Alesis Quadraverb

Art Pro MPA II

Ashly SC-66 (2)

BBE 362 Sonic Maximizer (2)

DBX 560A (4)

Empirical Labs Distressor EL-8X (2)

Kemper Profiling Amp

Klark Teknik DN410

Klark Teknik EQP-KT (2)

Lexicon LXP-1

Lexicon LXP-5

Lexicon MX 300

Orban 672a

Palmer Junction

Presonus Eureka

Radial Reamp JCR

Reamp V2

Revive Audio Tascam Summing Mixer

Sansamp RBI

Symetrix 525

TK Audio BC1 -THD

UBK Clariphonic

UBK Modded Fatso





1978 Yamaha Conservatory Grand Piano

Casio CDP S100

Novation Circuit

Moog Little Phatty

Oberheim OB-8

Prophet 2002 Sequential Digital Sampler

Yamaha Clavinova

Yamaha DX100

Yamaha PSR-9

Yamaha PSR-12





Antique Violin

Boss DR202


Mitchell Ukulele

Zoom Streetboxx SB-246

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